Take Your Child To Work Day 2019

Digital signage

Digital signage

I want to recognize Laura for her partnership on Take Your Child to Work Day this year. This event requires detailed coordination and multiple deliverables from different teams. This year I felt relief that came from knowing I had Laura in my corner. She never hesitated to lend a helping hand and went above and beyond to make sure all materials and deliverables were high-quality. I knew I could count on her to share her opinion and new ways of doing things while still staying committed to her stakeholders. This all would not have been possible without Laura. THANK YOU!
— Victoria K. // Corporate Communications Specialist, Kronos Inc.
Event signage

Event signage


Event video




Legend Makers 2018


Legend Makers is an exclusive annual trip that is earned by providing exceptional service to Kronos customers and prospects. By meeting set goals, sales and service employees can earn a spot on this prestigious trip.

Each year a new location is chosen and a custom theme is created. I designed the theme, announcement emails, and program materials which included luggage tags, document pouch, and custom themed dinner invitations for each night of the trip.

Travel document zippered pouch

Travel document zippered pouch

Luggage tag

Luggage tag

Award program (view PDF)

Award program (view PDF)

Announcement email

Announcement email


Nightly event invitations


Sculpt Your Health Identity


Sculpt Your Health is a start-up health and wellness company focused on helping clients craft and achieve their unique lifestyle goals. I worked with the client to create an identity that reinforces the concept of sculpting by utilizing bold text that looks as if it’s been carved out of a block. For the website we chose beautiful canyon imagery to reinforce the brand. I used Squarespace to create this site from the ground up.



[Laura] worked hand-in-hand with me through logo development, branding, website design/development, business card design and printing, blog development and posting, and marketing materials. She completely understands how to visually interpret her client’s brand in a way that showcases its benefits. Laura is a pleasure with whom to work, at every step of the way. She always keeps her word and is extremely supportive, innovative, and visionary. As a solo practitioner, having Laura on speed dial gives me great peace of mind.
— Sandy J. // Certified Health and Wellness Coach, Sculpt Your Health
Business card – bronze foil with bronze edges

Business card – bronze foil with bronze edges

Leave behind postcard

Leave behind postcard
